With the first rays of the sun is slowly coming to life with her garden and even a little cold, tired lawn.
With the first rays of the sun is slowly coming to life with her garden and even a little cold, tired lawn.

How we take care of the lawn after the snow has melted?
The grass is quite hardy plant and climatic conditions in addition to the growth and quality of the act, of course, land. Its PH, grading, compaction and organic elements contained therein. If we want our lawn was not only handsome but also resistant, it is necessary to properly care for it.
First step
If you have a lawn that needs to improve in the spring, it is good to use as the first spray to destroy weeds and mosses in the grass. Spraying on the basis of selective herbicides purchased at ordinary garden center.
Second step
After the death of weeds and mosses are a number of rake. It is good to use
scarifier, which remove dead plant residues, provzdušníme soil and thus create space for the growth of new stalks. After the intervention of the lawn will appear thinner, but will be healthier and more resilient.
Third step
Dosejte treated grassy area, as needed, grass seed, the recommended dose, and the entire lawn to confluence then pour a thin layer of substrate. On the grass seed is too stingy. Grass mixtures of hypermarket will pay off. But a good mix guarantees you a nice and durable lawn.
Fourth step
After the winter it is good to fertilize the lawn. Ideal for fertilization special fertilizer for lawns. These fertilizers are granulated and have a long term effect. In the humid environment of the granules release nutrients for up to ten weeks.
Fifth step
To compare small bumps? For comparison lawns use silica sand with a grain size up to 2 mm. The abundance sand spread across the lawn. Sand begins on the lawn prosychat and gradually merges completely flat. A slight unevenness is visually smoothed.
The sixth step
Lawn irrigation is essential for its good condition. It should not be watered daily. The ideal is that irrigate the third day, taking into account local climatic conditions. Remember that not only sunlight but also very strong wind dries the surface of the lawn. If we can use rainwater for irrigation it is a very convenient
system of automatic irrigation.
Seventh step
Versus mowing grass mowing. Lawnmowers are many kinds. When the acquisition is good to think not only drive, but also on how much of the lawn mower using'll treat. For small areas is sufficient
Cylinder lawnmower that does not mow the lawn, but actually cuts. It is a very friendly and economical way to maintain their lawn. However, large areas can probably take more rotary cutter. Petrol, electric or battery powered. These mowers are then additionally majority retrofitted carriage which facilitates the handling of the mower.