MagazínClean water in the pool using chlorine preparations

Disinfection with chlorine or chlorination, the most common method of disinfection of water in swimming pools. The principle is simply the supply of chlorine into the water. The reaction of chlorine with water, produces hypochlorous acid, which disrupts the cell wall enzymes and organic compounds. Its power is then dependent on the pH of the water. It is therefore additionally necessary, to regulate the pH in pools.


Disinfection with chlorine or chlorination, the most common method of disinfection of water in swimming pools. The principle is simply the supply of chlorine into the water. The reaction of chlorine with water, produces hypochlorous acid, which disrupts the cell wall enzymes and organic compounds. Its power is then dependent on the pH of the water. It is therefore additionally necessary, to regulate the pH in pools.


pH of the pool water

The recommended pH is 7.2 to 7.6. When the pH drop creates chlorine gas, which irritates the skin, eyes, as well as swimming pool equipment. When increasing the pH of the water in the pool water is turbid, has a lower chlorine disinfectant, and in addition is irritating to eyes.

Recommended quantities of chlorine

The pool is recommended quantity of free chlorine, about 0.3 to 0.6 mg / l and a maximum bound chlorine of 0.3 mg / l. Combined chlorine can be reduced by adding water, UV radiation or superchlorací. This is a method where the pool water to add high amounts of chlorine (10 times more than the chlorine bound), it is converted back to the bound chlorine free.

The dosage of chlorine using chlorine gas

Reacting the chlorine gas with water, produces hypochlorous acid. But as a by-product and hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid, then reducing the pH of water. It is therefore necessary to supply water to the composition to increase the pH. we increase pH with sodium hydroxide or granular sodium carbonate. This method is used for large pools.

Chlorine dosing with sodium hypochlorite

It is suitable for general garden pools. Reacting sodium hypochlorite with water to form hypochlorous acid again, but the by-product is sodium hypochlorite, the pH of the water increases. It is therefore necessary to reduce the pH, using sulfuric acid or sodium bisulfate granulated.

Measurement of chlorine in swimming pool water

It is not necessary to measure chlorine in the pool water, we just measure the redox potential, or redox potential of the water. The recommended value for swimming is 700mV to 770mV. We measure it by using a probe. It indicates the ratio between the oxidizing agents (disinfectants) and reducing (impurities). Redox potential indicates whether disinfection works properly. Redox increased by the addition of chlorine, flocculants and increasing the performance of the filter device.