MagazínClear water in the garden pool

Having our own garden pool is very pleasant, but it often discourages us from acquiring it in the aftermath of swimming pool water. However, achieving the clarity of the pool water is not superhuman performance.

Having our own garden pool is very pleasant, but it often discourages us from acquiring it in the aftermath of swimming pool water. However, achieving the clarity of the pool water is not superhuman performance.


Pollution of pool water

Water in the garden pool is polluted by mechanical and organic dirt. Mechanical impurities are removed using a screen, vacuum cleaner, but mainly by suitably selected filtration. Organic impurities in the form of algae, bacteria and viruses are removed using pool chemistry.

The safety of water in the garden pool

To ensure a safe pool water, it is necessary to check the pH and chlorine concentration at least once a week at regular intervals. And in the case of their fluctuations, adjust them to the recommended values. In summer, when it is very hot and the pool is more used, it is necessary to do this more often than once a week.

PH value

This value is an indicator of the acidity or alkalinity of the aqueous solution. For pools, the ideal pH range is between 6.8 and 7.2. Higher pH leads to turbidity and limescale and increases the amount of bound chlorine in water. It is the one that slips in our eyes and can irritate the skin and mucous membranes. A lower pH causes corrosion of metallic elements in pools. This value also affects the solubility and effect of water treatment products.

How we measure pH

We can measure this value with a tablet or electronic tester. For tablet testers, a tablet with a water sample is placed in the tablet, which stains the water and, according to the enclosed scale, we determine the pH value in water. The electronic tester has a probe that, when inserted into the test water, shows its actual pH. At a higher value, we use pH + and, on the other hand, with a simple lower pH product - to adjust the water.


Disinfect water for removal of microorganisms. The method and amount of disinfectant is chosen based on the amount of chlorine in water, in the same way as pH, only testers are used to measure chlorine. Based on the measurements, we adjust the water quality with appropriate disinfection, optimally with the tablets specified. The tablet gradually dissolves and we avoid complex dosing.