MagazínConstruction of DIY wooden garage

Construction of wooden garage by yourself may not be a job for an experienced professional, wooden garage with a prefabricated structures you build easily and without experience.

Construction of wooden garage by yourself may not be a job for an experienced professional, wooden garage with a prefabricated structures you build easily and without experience.


Wooden garage for self-assembly are available in various sizes and designs for a single or two cars. And combination carport with a garage is also popular.

We send you bought garage packed in cardboard boxes.

Included is everything you need, including assembly instructions to help you complete the entire assembly garage quickly and easily as possible. The only thing to build it will need are willing to co-workers, family members or friends who can help. And of course a basic set of tools, which you can find at home or in the store.

The whole assembly is thus a matter of hours or a few days, depending on your time and skills.