MagazínGrilling on solid fuel grids

Solid fuel grills, whether they are charcoal, briquettes or a classic wooden stick, are the traditional way of grilling and true gourmets, they can not do this way of cooking.

Solid fuel grills, whether they are charcoal, briquettes or a classic wooden stick, are the traditional way of grilling and true gourmets, they can not do this way of cooking.


Barbecue for wood or charcoal

The look at the flames and the burning coals will never come to light. And if the meat burns over the hot coals, it is a pleasant experience. This feeling is detrimental to users of electric grills and gas grills. Charcoal grills are a classic that does not hurt. And the food from these grills has an unrepeatable smoky aroma that you do not get on other grilles with the most effort. But even charcoal grills have their advantages and disadvantages.

Disadvantage of charcoal grills

The disadvantage is that it is necessary to work with charcoal, where it can be dirty, or it is necessary to prepare wood or briquettes. And all in good time, because the right grilling starts when we have glowing charcoals in the grill, and those that take time.

The advantage of charcoal grills

A great advantage can be considered as the affordability of charcoal grills as well as the availability of grill fuel. This type of grill can be used in any exterior, that is, if the fire ban is not applicable. In addition to any other type of grill, whether it is a gas grill or a grill for electricity, we are not able to conjure up such fragrant food as a charcoal grill.

Experience and time

Preparing a meal on a charcoal grill requires time and experience. It's about managing to keep the temperature at the right time, so we do not cook the food.

Charcoal grill care

Care for the grill is the most important hygienic cleanliness. After each use of the grill, it is necessary to allow it to cool down thoroughly and then clean it. Remove cool ash. We can go to the compost. And then you need to remove the food leftovers from the grilling grid. It is good to go with grill cleaning accessories and avoid aggressive chemicals.