Maintenance chainsaw is an integral part of working with a saw and leads to achieve the optimum life.
chainsaw is an integral part of working with a saw and leads to achieve the optimum life.

Maintenance of air filter chainsaw
We do not work without air filter or with a dirty filter. A clogged filter causes the chain saw lower output and higher fuel consumption. Before removing the air filter remove coarse dirt, not to allow the chamber to the carburetor. Take out the filter, clean fit the filter and close the filter cover. The filter should be cleaned by rinsing the tank with clean gasoline. We use only dry and clean the filter.
Cylinder fins
After work, it is necessary to clean the cylinder fins. Ribs chainsaw clean so that the scraped dirt and then carefully removed. Neglecting this maintenance may lead to the seizure of war chainsaw.
Fuel tank
As needed, depending on the use of chainsaws, requires cleaning and suction head of the fuel tank. Suction head Remove and rinse with fresh petrol. If necessary, replace it.
During fuel combustion, the exhaust ducts chainsaw clogging. We clean them so that by removing the muffler and carefully remove impurities, making sure that that we sawdust from the cylinder. After the screw on the back muffler.
Checking sprocket
Control is performed, depending on the use of the saw. In everyday use, this check is performed once a week. Flat file or screwdriver to slide the top of the sprocket teeth, and when zadrhuje and see her wear larger than allowed by the manufacturer, replace the sprocket.
It may seem that taking care of the chainsaw is difficult, but so will the intensive care saw an
electric or
cordless saw. And if we want to we saw served well and long, it is needed in the purchase carefully read instructions.