MagazínOrganization of space in the greenhouse

Do you prepare your beds for growing vegetables in a greenhouse? First, we should lay out what we grow and where we place the vegetables.

Do you prepare your beds for growing vegetables in a greenhouse? First, we should lay out what we grow and where we place the vegetables.

How do you organize the space in the greenhouse

First, draw a floor plan of your greenhouse and in this drawing you must fill all kinds of vegetables you want to grow. Each kind of vegetable should have a flower bed. Most often the vegetables cultivated in the beds assembled into a U, which means path leads, from which access to all of the beds. Flowerbeds should be distributed according to the needs of ourselves and plants. The layout should have a logical structure.

The rules for growing in a greenhouse

  • Greenhouse requires attention throughout the year
  • In early January, it is advisable to carry out maintenance of the entire greenhouse, greenhouse, including maintenance, fertilization, etc.
  • In the greenhouse it is necessary to ventilate, either manually or using an automatic ventilation system
  • Regularly remove weeds
  • Follow regularly pests such as slugs, ants, aphids, etc.
  • Crops on time, obtain support, many plants have a hard fruits and nenapřímí is unsupported
  • Watered with water heated to a greenhouse
  • Gradually reap the fruits, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, melons, eggplants

How to lay out the location of vegetables in greenhouses

Cucumbers and peppers require sufficient space to fit under them ahead and plant more vegetables. Conversely tomatoes to be placed as close as possible to the entrance to have enough air. You beneath them to plant basil, low vegetables such as baby carrots, onions, radishes, etc.
It is necessary to devise a hallway and vestibule, which protects plants from direct ingress of cold air.
Properly placed in a greenhouse vegetables will carry high quality and large fruits. Follow the instructions on the packaging for planting seeds. Plants and plant needing předpěstovat in small pots and then the pierce pre-cultivated plants into the ground.