MagazínSeries - Winter Garden: Thermal conditions in winter gardens

As well as light, heat is also affected by sunlight. Warm in the winter garden is very closely related not only light, but also moisture.

As well as light, heat is also affected by sunlight. Warm in the winter garden is very closely related not only light, but also moisture.


What influences the heat

Temperature affects all life processes of plants. The more the winter garden plants, the more heat is absorbed therein, and the smaller the variations in temperature. According to experts (Hookworm, 1975) can be argued that wherever there is a luxuriant vegetation, temperature fluctuations are lower than where poorer vegetation and land or rocks are still bare. The temperature outside the conservatory significantly influenced by its orientation to a cardinal.

The term temperature minima and maxima

The lowest limit at which plants can vegetate, is called a thermal low. In contrast, the high temperature at which the life processes of plants cease, the temperature maximum. Logically, the most suitable temperature for plant life somewhere in the middle. However, the individual plant species have different preferences.

Distribution conservatories

Conservatories can be inhabited all year round, in the temperature is regulated with heaters and conservatories cold or unheated.

Heating conservatory

According to the purpose for which we use the garden and on what side of the world is focused, we select also the type of heating. A suitable solution for occupied year round conservatories is that the heating system was linked to the heating system warming the house itself. One possibility is heating built into the floor. Its advantage is that it emits heat evenly over the entire surface. The disadvantage is that the containers with plants quickly dries the substrate.
The alternative heating underfloor heating is built into the wall. Unlike conventional heaters they do not generate any disturbing barriers. The whole body is hidden beneath the surface. Among other types of heaters include heating strips in the walls up to 30 cm above the floor or in the form of local heating stoves, which are designed for rapid heat gain.