It is precisely roof covering that decides the outcome parameters and benefits pergola. Check with us on what materials can be used, and why they do it.
It is precisely roof covering that decides the outcome parameters and benefits pergola. Check with us on what materials can be used, and why they do it.
What roof covering are among the most frequently used options?

This is naturally a polycarbonate, namely,
cellular, one type of extremely durable plastic, which is characterized in that the inside of each plate are a target cell, which can significantly contribute primarily to the thermal insulation. Among its other features include:
- Low purchase price
- Long life
- High resistance, rigidity and load capacity
The second hit is trapezoidal polycarbonate
Neither the pergola roof covering to not disappoint their quality. Since cellular polycarbonate differs processing. To better understand the difference, you can imagine trapeze polycarbonate corrugated roof as shown below.
Interesting solution will also offer plexiglass
The above roofing for pergolas however potentially have the disadvantage that they are less transparent. So if you want your pergolas roof let in as much light is better for you choice Plexiglas (lexan). And it retains its distinctive quality as well as excite the possibility of using several colors. Ideally when a roofing on pergola generally harmonize with other elements.
Polyester and foam boards
Similar solutions such as polycarbonate offers, also offers polyester sheets. Their plus is particularly favorable price. In terms of attractiveness, durability and dependability however polycarbonate and Plexiglas slightly lagging behind. Still, if the plates are not used for pergolas roofing and other construction prolonged exposure to extreme climatic conditions such as covering fully sufficient.
Similar options are PVC foam board. They are a form of roofing suited especially at times when you do not need a clear roof, but looking for a solution, which in turn transmits light at all.
Composite panels and Plexiglas blocks
Composite panels and Plexiglas blocks belong to modern materials that capture the unique design and outstanding quality, but this was related to higher purchase price.