Winter Garden and its price depends on various factors - material, construction and type of the winter garden.
Winter Garden and its price depends on various factors - material, construction and type of the winter garden.
Standardized approaches or custom
The cheapest are modular conservatories, specially designed to go in two or three people easily assemble by yourself one day. For this reason, these are exclusively standardized solutions with a limited range of offered sizes and customization options. On the other hand, because you take such a conservatory at a significantly lower price. For structurally demanding or larger conservatories but without assembly secured professionals usually need, the advantage of rapid application ready solution gardens still remain.
Custom solutions are more expensive, but it can provide what standardized solutions can not. They are easily adaptable to the individual needs of both the layout and the design and additional equipment. They can thus meet even the highest demands.
Zimné záhrady na mieru sú naopak drahšie, ale za to dokážu poskytnúť to, čo typizované modely za nižšie ceny nie. Sú ľahko prispôsobiteľné individuálnym potrebám po stránke dispozícií, tak dizajnu a doplnkovej výbavy. Dokážu tak splniť aj tie najvyššie nároky.
Seasonal or perennial
The price also affects how long you want to use. Seasonal winter gardens are not heated as standard, so they are suitable only for seasonal use. Conversely, perennial conservatory is introduced through the heating system usable continuously.