In the garden furniture is also true that enchant us have not only colors but also its practicality. When buying furniture is advisable when we have the opportunity to try. Interested would you be table height, comfort chairs and couches.
In the garden furniture is also true that enchant us have not only colors but also its practicality. When buying furniture is advisable when we have the opportunity to try. Interested would you be table height, comfort chairs and couches.

garden furniture as comfortable as possible, the manufacturer must follow certain parameters. For example, should have a bench seat of the general 30 to 40 cm in height of 40- 45 cm above the ground. The backrest should be 90 cm above the ground.
Size seats depends on their shape. Dimensions of the seats should be 30 x 30 cm or 50x50 cm. In the case of circular shape diameter should be 30-40 cm. Remember that the bench was perfectly stable. You can be anchored to the ground.
Garden table should have for a comfortable dining height of at least 65 cm. If you have a family history of more than 170 cm tall person, choose a height of at least 75 cm. The table must also be stable and dining area large enough. The Round Table should have a diameter of 80 cm, rectangular table search dimensions of 70 x 100 cm.
Important is also the material
For dial garden furniture and materials of quality. It is important to answer the question whether you want to pay regular maintenance of furniture. If so, you can choose
wooden furniture, furniture made of teak and other exotic woods.
If you want light furniture and simple to maintain, then choose furniture made of plastic, aluminum or rattan or synthetic rattan. Garden furniture can use in gardens,
garden houses, by the pool, on the terrace. Do not forget to quality floor. Furniture should not be buried in the country, threatening the injuries. Just build it on a concrete slab or tile or hardwood floor.