MagazínYou can compost almost everything

We know that waste sorting has a significant impact on the environment. And more and more people sort waste from households and gardens, but there are still few who sort and compost bio waste. And composting can be, in a suitable composter, even in a housing estate. By composting, we reduce the amount of waste by up to 40%.

We know that waste sorting has a significant impact on the environment. And more and more people sort waste from households and gardens, but there are still few who sort and compost bio waste. And composting can be, in a suitable composter, even in a housing estate. By composting, we reduce the amount of waste by up to 40%.


What is composting?

It is the decomposition of organic remains and its conversion to high-quality material, which is further used as a very nutritious fertilizer. However, in order for composting to be effective, it is necessary to know how and in what way we can compost bio waste.

What can be composting?

Residues from the household - residues of fruit, vegetables, peels, shells, bedding of domestic animals, cardboard, paper napkins, handkerchiefs, tea bags.
Garden Remnants - Cut grass, leaves, twigs, weeds, plant remains, sawdust, shavings, tree bark, herbaceous herb, feathers, hair hairs.

What do we not compose?

Bones, meat residue, table oils and fats, plants affected by diseases, chemically treated materials, coal ash, cigarettes, vacuum cleaner bags, carnivorous animal excrements, magazines, plastics, metal, glass, stones.

What are we composting?

There are many composts on the market. When purchasing, we need to clarify the purpose for which we use it and it is good to know the advantages and disadvantages of different types of composting.

One-chamber composters

The benefits of a single-chamber composter include a simple way of filling - from above and composting - from the bottom. It's cheap and affordable for everyone. Its disadvantage is that bio-waste is required to mix it and mix it continuously to maintain its airyness to achieve the correct process. There is a lower temperature in a single compartment composite, so decomposing processes last longer.

Two and more chamber composters

The first chamber is continuously filled with bio-waste without the need of mixing, in the second chamber, it enables good hygienisation of composted material. The two-chamber system is ideal for proper composting and allows good access to compost at all stages of grinding.

Single or double-chamber rotary compost

This kind of composter looks like a large closed cylinder. It is suitable for places where it is possible to bother the odor generated by decomposing processes, for example at a housing estate. Bio waste is in a closed compost, and the handle can be mixed continuously, so we can produce high-quality humus in the flower pots and boxes in the housing estate.